Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix
German title: Harry Potter und der Orden des Phönix
Francaise title: Harry Potter et l’ordre du Phénix
Spain title: Harry Potter y la orden del Fénix
Greek title: Ο Χάρι Πότερ και το Τάγμα του Φοίνικα
Russian title: Гарри Поттер и орден Феникса
Original title: Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix
Alternative titles:
O Harry Potter kai to Tagma tou Foinika | Хари Потер и Редот на фениксот | Хари Потър и Орденът на феникса | Гаррі Поттер і Орден Фенікса | Harry Potter en de orde van de Feniks | Хари Потър и орденът на феникса
Fantasy adventure – United Kingdom, USA
Production year: 2006
Movie length: 140 minutes
Director: David Yates
Writer: Michael Goldenberg, Joanne K. Rowling
Cinematograph: Slavomir Idziak
Music: Nicholas Hooper
Movie description:
After returning to Hogwarts to begin his fifth year at Hogwarts, Harry Potter discovers that much of the wizarding world, including the Ministry of Magic, is in denial about Lord Voldemort’s return. The Order of the Phoenix, a group sworn against Voldemort, is using its vast array of wizards and witches magical abilities to combat Voldemort. Cornelius Fudge, Minister for Magic, suspects that Dumbledore is using these claims of The Dark Lord’s return as a means to over-throw Fudge as Minister. In retaliation, a new Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher is appointed by the Ministry in order to keep an eye on Hogwarts. This new teacher, Professor Umbridge, implies strict new teachings and rules, forcing a group of students, under the tutelage of Harry, to form a club, by the name of Dumbledore’s Army.
Boy Actors
Birthday: 23.07.1989
Age of the actor:
approximately 17 years old
Rupert Grint(Ron Weasley)
Birthday: 24.08.1988
Age of the actor:
approximately 17 years old
Jamie Waylett(Vincent Crabbe)
Birthday: 21.07.1989
Age of the actor:
approximately 17 years old
Matthew Lewis(Neville Longbottom)
Birthday: 27.06.1989
Age of the actor:
approximately 17 years old
Ryan Nelson(Slightly Creepy Boy)
Birthday: 16.06.1991
Age of the actor:
approximately 15 years old
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